Monday, July 10, 2017

Transferring to Innisfail

July 4, 2017

Hey y'all! So, transfer calls happened today. I'm leaving good old Leduc and I'm going to Innisfail! That is actually where Elder J. got trained. I'm excited! It's probably as South as I will ever be here, so I'm expecting a really warm Summer. Also, my new companion is going to be Elder S. I don't know who he is, but President Pattison said I might pick up some Spanish while I'm there. He can't drive, so I'll be doing that the whole time.

I really don't know what it'll be like, but I'm super excited.

There were fireworks on Canada Day, though we didn't stay up to watch them because they started at 11:00 at night. They also don't really let people have their own fireworks show like they do back home.

And, speaking of hymns, I can't really decide what my favorite song would be. I have a lot. Some of my favorites include: Battle Hymn of the Republic, I Believe in Christ, If You Could Hie to Kolob, and Come, Come Ye Saints. Also, Nearer My God to Thee and Be Still My Soul are pretty good, too.

I'll update ya more on what's going on next week. I gotta finish packing!

Also, those little plastic things that hold bread bags closed make really awesome ninja stars!

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