We had some pretty fun stuff happen this week!
First of all, we went tracting in the most unpredictable town in our area (Bowden (it's south!)) and we met a guy named J. J is a self proclaimed all mighty healer and a prophet! he was a pretty chill guy, so we talked with him for a bit, apparently he can just go around touching people and healing them like Jesus did, but he decides to just chill at home all day instead of actually doing that... in Bowden... in a trailer park... so, yeah...
We also met another guy in Innisfail who was pretty excitable. He kept spouting off false doctrine and contradicting himself. We didn't even really need to say anything, though. I think he noticed the inconsistencies after a few minutes and stopped talking, so we shook his hand and left him to think about it. That was a fun experience.
On a different note, a member had us over for dinner right on the edge of Pine Lake, which is where his house is even! When we got there he told us that dinner wasn't ready yet and that we could take some fishing poles into the backyard for a bit and go fishing till dinner was ready! So we did that! Didn't catch anything, but we had a lot of fun pulling seaweed out of the lake!
On a more spiritual note, We had the traveling Elders here again recently, and the main thing we focused on was helping members do missionary work, so we practiced teaching each other before actually going to a lesson with a member family. When we were practicing, though, we had to make up situations that could possibly be something that a member would say, and the crazy part is that the members actually were in those exact situations! The exact situation we practiced was the exact situation the members were in!!! It's crazy how accurate the practice was! It just goes to show how much this is Heavenly Father's work as well. He gave us the inspiration to help the members find ways to share the gospel with their friends in Texas that they're meeting with in Costa Rica in a few weeks!!!
The gospel is true, folks. I'm super happy to be here in a place where I can focus on helping people receive the restored gospel. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to see miracles like this on a regular basis (granted they're not always this extreme.)
November 7, 2017
This last week was super interesting! We helped out with a food drive, it snowed, my eyelashes were iced over, and we had a double feature on exchanges with the Three Hills elders.
So yeah... it snowed! And it's pretty cold. (Jaden, if you're reading this then it's raining boiling water every day and I love it.)
On the subject of exchanges! I was in Three Hills for 2 days, and Elder B was in Innisfail. The Three Hills elders just switched between us two during the experience. The first day (Thursday afternoon - Friday afternoon) I was with Elder S in Three Hills, and it was cold! It was fun, though; we pretty much just froze to death for a while, but we did get some work done as we walked around the unplowed streets of Three Hills. The second day (Friday afternoon - Saturday afternoon), Elder W and I also froze to death, but we also locked ourselves out of the house for a bit. We found some nice neighbors who let us in until the landlord came to open the door. So, I guess it's a good finding opportunity to get stuck outside in the snow when it's super dark outside! Noted!
Also transfers are a happenin'! And I'm getting booted out of Innisfail! And I'm going to a place called Fort Saskatchewan with an elder who has a name I don't know how to spell! But it'll be fun! I have a good track record for having awesome areas.
Lastly, this next transfer is going to be 8 weeks instead of 6 because of Christmas stuff, I guess.
I'm gonna miss Innisfail, but I'm looking forward to continue being outlying!
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